I am resharing my facebook Note in my blog, but a few things have changed. These things have changed because I have changed. It has been just over six months since my facebook Note, and my life has changed in great magnitudes in that time.
- Kindly speak your mind. Even when someone comes at you with rage, your stance will be heard and responded to if you are kind.
- Go without makeup. Run errands and spend days with no make up on. It is humbling. Even if all of the other moms go to the grocery store looking as if they are heading out to do a photoshoot for Fit Magazine, you don't have to. We all look the same first thing in the morning. Sometimes it's just nice to stay that way all day.
- Embrace your age. Love your body. I would love to be about 5ft. 9in. tall. I'm not and I never will be. Unfortunatley, it took me over thirty years to accept that fact.
- .Love people more than anything else. There are so many lonely people, but we don't make the time to realize it and reach out to them. Since we have moved, this point speaks volumes, because I have actually been that lonely person. In the beginning, if more people would have reached out to me and said a kind word or welcomed me to the community, the transition would have been vastly different and easier
- Forgive. It is so hard to really forgive when someone hurts us physically or emotionally. Forgiving is the most freeing thing you can do for yourself. Plus, the Bible speaks so plainly on the subject. We HAVE to forgive others, and ourselves.
- Don't let your past dictate your future. This has taken me SO long...way too long, to figure out. I was a rebellious youth, a teen mom, and a very insecure person. For years, I worked so hard to make up for all of that. I spent countless hours trying to prove how "smart" I was and that i WAS "good enough." I was letting my past define me. I am way beyond just "good enough." I am a child of the King!
- I am all about having good clean fun. Laughter really is medicine. Since my c-section seven years ago, I've been know to laugh so hard that I pee my pants. I am totally ok with that. :)
- Age really is just a number. I have always loved birthdays and I celebrate them with a passion. I put my heart into every birthday that I plan for my husband and my children, and even for myself. I don't mind at all to throw myself a big birthday party. Another year of life is worth celebrating!
- Cherish every age and stage your child goes through. Most of my friends have babies, toddlers, and elementary aged kids. My oldest child will be heading to college in only a year. I remember, vividly, giving birth to her as if it were only yesterday. Where did all of those years go? I don't know where they went, but I do know that I can't even get one single second of them back. Do not rush them to walk, talk, start school, etc...just savor every moment of parenthood.
- All of this is opinion, but I have to say that, in my opinion, my kids are brilliant and amazing. I do not take for granted the fact that I am blessed beyond measure. The joy they bring into my life is something that words just cannot express. They have moved across the country, and created these new lives for themselves. It has not been easy. They knew not one person when we arrived. A week ago, my daughter had sixteen friends over for pizza and is thriving in activities and extra curriculars. My son is making friends and enjoying amazing adventures. He was invited to a birthday party today, and he can't even think of who the kid is, but this kid knows my son, and invited him! Due to the move we have given our children something very valuable. They have been given the ablity to adapt in new and extremely challenging situations. They can be separated from their "comfort zones" and be successful. I can't begin to describe how proud I am of my kids.
- Make time for your spouse. Make your husband or wife feel like they are the king or queen of the world. Laugh with them and just enjoy life together...the good and the bad. The bond between a husband and a wife is miraculous. I thank God every day for my husband of 17 years.. He is a true blessing and a huge source of strength for me.
- I admit it: My parents are, and always have been RIGHT. Now that I'm adult, if I am stressed, my dad will call me and give me a scripture verse to reflect upon or words of encouragement, and the stress fades. I tell my mom that she is my "medicine." All she has to do is listen to me, and it's like I've received a big dose of medicine!
- I pray we are raising our children to have a passion for Jesus, and that they will love Him with their whole hearts and share His love with others.
- I pray we have taught our kids kindness. I want to have the type of kids that will go out of their way to befriend the friendless. I know that they both fully see the importance of this now, because when we moved they "were" the friendless. Kind young people reached out to them and got to know them. They have wonderful friends now that, only six months ago, they weren't even aware of.
- When it is time for my kids to leave the "nest," I pray they will fly with the strongest wings possible, and they will soar like eagles. I pray, at that time, that I am strong enough to be ok with the fact that they will no longer be living with me. I realize that at this time next year, I will actually be living this, since my daughter will be in college. They may be called to serve the Lord and the world in a country far away from here. If that is the case, I will be proud that I contributed to their independence, and I will be incredibly thankful for technology.
- I am still learning that I just can't control everything. I have to hand the reigns of my life over to my Maker.
- I have learned who my true friends are and what makes a friend. It has been a hard lesson, but I am conforted believing that some people come into our lives for a reason, some for a season, and some for a lifetime. Even my "reason" and "season" friends have been true gifts. Some were put into my life for a reason: to teach me something or help me along. Others were put into my life for a season: They were here only for a season. They were beautiful seasons, but as we know, seasons come and go, and we just have to be ok with that. Other friends are here for a lifetime. I praise my Lord for my lifetime friends.
- I know one day I will win my battle with anxiety. I have come such a long way and I give God and my family all the credit for helping me with this fight. I believe that one day this will no longer be an issue in my life at all. Until that day, I will "baby step" my way through and learn and grow from every struggle I have concerning anxiety. Recently, I read a quote and it really hit home with me. "Anxiety is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it never gets you anywhere." I have things to do. I don't have time to not "get anywhere."
- Physical exercise is important for health reasons, but it should never be #1, or even #2 or 3. I have learned to be very careful with obsessions, whatever they may be.
- As I am getting "older," I am noticing lots of fine lines around my eyes. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I am also getting a line between my eyes. I like the way my face looks when I lift up on my forehead or eyes and "viola!" It looks as if I've had an instant face lift! My wise mother would say, "Thank God you have eyes that can see. Who cares if you have a few wrinkles around them!"
- I love my computer because I am in constant contact with people. I love people and sharing and receiving ideas with them. I have noticed that relationships that I had with some people from Illinois have actually strenghened since our move. This is due to the computer. We have made an effort to skype and contact through facebook and email.
- I am a firm believer that "things" do not make people happy. Things definitely create temporary happiness, which is nice "temporarily," but I believe we should be focusing more on long term happiness. People are the key.
- I disagree with sugar coating things for our children. Life is hard. The sooner they realize that, the sooner they will be able to adjust and live successfully.
- My sisters are precious gifts from God. They are built-in best friends for life.
- I respect the fact that life is fragile and so beautiful. Never, ever avoid telling someone how you feel about them. If you have the urge to say, "I love you," then just say it!! If you feel like hugging someone, then hug them! I love giving hugs. I have, since our move, given hugs to people who are complete strangers, but they were so kind to me, so I felt like I had to hug them.
- I think sometimes we come to a place in our lives where the situation we are dealing with is just way too big. We have to either trust God completely, or just fall flat on our faces. I feel that I am in this place right now and I am determined to seek His face so that He can guide me as I continue to adjust and thrive on the new endeavor, which is our move.
- My husband often says, "Two different people can have the exact same day, but their perspective means everything. Person A reports the day was "awful." They feel this way simply because nothing "great " happened. Person B reports a "good" day. They feel this way simply because nothing "horrible" happened. It's all a matter of perspective." I am working hard to take on his perspective. Unfortunately, I have been guilty of having a bad day, or a bad event in my life, and I equate that to having a "bad life." That is absurd, and it pains me that I have actually done that.
- I worried about our move. My heart broke when I said "goodbye" to the people and places and things that I loved. I ached ponering the idea that my children's lives were getting ready to be turned upside down for awhile. Would they be ok? I feared that I couldn't handle it. I doubted my ability to adjust or even function outside of my "comfort zone" I have never struggled to such a degree in my entire life. I have had some of my lowest moments here. I have literally, many times, collapsed to the floor after the kids go to bed and sobbed, for hours. My husband has not left my side during those times. He comforts me and encourages me. The sobs are so deep and so great that it hurts everywhere. I have felt alone. I have felt unwelcomed. I have felt like an alien on another planet. Then, I became determined to "live life." I had to get out there and do my part. I couldn't succeed in my new environment if I stayed in the house. I began living again. I am meeting people. I have met so many interesting people from all over the country. Their stories and experiences inspire me. I still have bad days like everyone else. I still cry sometime, just like everyone else. The deep, painful sobs are gone. I have grown and it makes me proud. I was...I am, capeable of so much more than I ever imagined.
- I do not feel that I have simply, "moved." I feel like I have been "planted." I plan to bloom brightly.
- I have several verses I'd like to share:
- If God be for me, who can be against me?? Romans 8:31
- I will be strong and vigorous and very courageous. I will not be afraid, neither will I be dismayed, for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. He never rejects me but He promises to be with me always. Joshua 1:9 and Matthew 28:20
- My worrying and being anxious will not add one unit of measure to my stature or to the span of my life. Matthew 6:2,5
- My children fear the Lord and keep all His statutes and commandments. They love the Lord with all their mind and heart and their entire being and with all their might. Deuteronomy 6:2,5
- My children make right choices according to the Word of God. Isaiah 54:13
- I am not controlled by what people think of me. As long as God is satisfied with me , then I am satisfied. 1 Corinthians 4:3-4
- God is my sheild, my glory and the lifter of my head. Psalm 3:3
- The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. But Jesus came that I may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance. John 10:10
- When I feel hurt and brokenhearted God binds up my wounds and cures my pain and sorrow. Psalm 147:3
- God will cover me with His wings; I will be safe in His care; His faithfulness will protect and defend me. I need not fear any danger at ight or sudden attacks during the day. Psalm 91:4-5
- My light shall break forth like the morning, and my healing shall spring forth speedily. Isaiah 58:8
- I am one of God's sheep and His sheep hear His voice. John 10:27
- You are my God; teach me to do Your will. Be good to me,a nd guide me on a safe path. Rescue me, Lord, as you have promised; in Your goodness save me from my troubles. Psalm 143: 10-11
- I fear not, for God is with me; I am not dismayed, for He is my God. He will strengthen me, yes, He will help me; He will uphold me with His righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
- I can do anything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me strength and power. Philippians 4:13
- God is my refuge and strength, an everpresent help in trouble. Psalm 46:1I am called Your name. I humble myself, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity Your face and turn from my wicked ways. In doin this, You have promised to hear from heaven, forgive my sins, and heal my land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
- I am more than a conqueror through christ who loves me. Romans 8:34
- It is God's desire that I be free from all anxiety and distressing cares. 1 Corinthians 7:32
- As I think in my heart, so am I. Proverbs 23:7
- God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
- God has given me the commandment that I should love others just as He loves me. John 13:34
- O Lord, You have searched me and know me. You know when I sit and when I rise. You understand mmy thoughts. You sift and search out my path and my lying down, and You are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, still unuttered, but, behold, O Lord, You know it altogether. Psalm 139:1--4
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