Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 17

Our nights tend to get crazy, so as opposed to waiting until right before bed to do this, I am doing it before we eat dinner!
While still in Illinois, we LOVED our doctors.  We were so comfortable there, and I thought I would NEVER find a doctor that I liked again.  I started praying about it and researching docs in the area.  I made an appointment this morning to meet our new doctor, Dr. Morrison, and try to get some sort of a "feel" for the office.  It was a great experience!  Dr. Morrison was wonderful!  We found our doctor!  What a relief!

Day 17...I miss my family.  I miss my best friend.  I really do.  I miss just being with them.  Even when we were bored, it was fine; we were bored together. 

I think we are to a point where things are starting to get settled; the boxes are unpacked, the house if is fairly organized, etc...Now what? 

Although we have a pool, we are thinking of joining the local pool as a way of meeting people.  My idea way of meeting people isn't exactly in a swimsuit, but as the saying goes, "Ya gotta do what ya gotta do." 

The beauty here is amazing.  I really focus on it and thank God for it.  It is a blessing to be surrounding by it. 

One year ago I would've never guessed I'd be writing a blog about our "journey" to New York.  Although, I can say, that one year ago I was ready for some sort of change.  I knew a change was coming.  It's hard to explain.  That's why, when they asked my husband to think about making this move, I really wasn't surprised. 

Now that the house is mostly done, we will begin to venture out and really start exploring our area and the surrounding areas.  There is so much to do here; it's overwhelming. 

I am really meditating on the verse "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and he will make direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:5
I use my GPS to get everywhere.  I can't even imagine leaving this house without it!  There is really no telling where I'd end up without it.  Sometimes, even with the GPS, if I'm not paying close attention, I'll miss my exit, or take a wrong turn.  Even though the roads are all highlighted for me on the screen, I still take the wrong path!
That's how my relationship with the Lord is as well.  I am struggling with headaches, and they are becoming...well, I won't get into it.  I know I am HEALED.  Anyway, I get sidetracked.  I get busy.  I find things to do other than spend time with Him in His Word.  He is my GPS.  He has all the roads I should take highlighted for me; HOWEVER, I have to choose to listen.  I have to be still and LISTEN.  It also requires faith.  Sometimes my GPS tells me to turn Right and I'm thinking, "That can't be right!"  I have faith that this little gadget knows what it's talking about.   My relationship with my Savior requires faith as well.  I have to believe that He knows me.  He knows what I need. He knows which people I need in my life.  He loves me so much and wants me to actively use my faith, pursue him, and believe. 

I do.  No matter the circumstance.  No matter how I feel.  On the good days and the not so good days (there are no bad days)...my faith is strong.  I just have to listen and trust so he can direct my path...


  1. Beautiful. I never thought of it that way, but I love the GPS analogy. I am going to hold on to that! What great wisdom my big sis has! See you soon!....and the waterfall begins!
