Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 66--This day has gone to the ducks.

We started out with good intentions.  Our good intentions have turned into a big mess...literally.

We have a small pond on our property.  It's probably about 70 yards from our house.  It is home to some tiny fish, huge bullfrogs, and a pretty good sized snapping turtle.  It is also home to a momma duck and her seven ducklings. 

We were thrilled when the ducklings arrived!  They were so tiny and they followed the mother duck around in a single file line.  She watched over them so carefully.  She was always alert.  She never let her guard down. 

We decided it would be a great idea to feed them.  So, we did!  Each day, sometimes several times a day, one of us would walk down to the pond and feed the ducks.  They were so leery of us at first.  That didn't last long.  Soon, they began to swim toward us each time they saw us coming. 

The ducklings began to grow. 

We enjoyed watching them mature.  They began to wander a few feet away from their mother.  They didn't watch her for every cue.  Before long, it was difficult to distinguish between the momma and her babies!  They were all the same size!  Still, every time they would leave the comfort of the pond, she would lead and they would follow...in the adorable single file line.

One day, a couple of weeks ago, I woke up early and noticed that the ducks were in our swimming pool.  The weather had been dreadfully hot and humid.  I'm sure the small pond became warm and muggy, and the pool felt refreshing.  The sight of them swimming around in the pool made me laugh out loud.  Before long, they waddled out of the pool area and back down to the pond. 

I didn't think much about it after that.  We, of course, continued to feed them.  They began to come up to the front yard.  I am an animal lover, so, I was always thrilled when I'd pull in my driveway and find the family of ducks hanging out close to our house.  They began to take food directly from our hands.

By now, the ducks are very large.  No wonder!  They eat very well! 

Life for our duck family was grand!  Then, a problem developed.

The ducks took over our pool.

They were no longer satisfied with a quick dip in the morning; they decided to take up residence in our pool.  They said "Goodbye" to their small pond and "Hello!" to our refreshing pool.
This is when the day went to the ducks.

When we try to go for a swim they won't leave!  We refuse to swim in our pool with eight large ducks!  We try to scare them out of the fence, and they are very hesitant to leave.  Finally, we get them outside of the fence, but they stand there, in a line, staring at us.  As soon as we relax, even for a few minutes, they waddle back in and jump in the pool!

It's just not adorable anymore.  I never realized how often ducks poop!  GROSS! 
We put up chicken wire fencing in the ground surrounding the entire fence.  The chicken wire is about five feet tall. 
Problem solved...right??

Wrong! It stormed all day today.  Every time I looked out the window, I felt accomplished because it was duck-free.  Then, around 4PM, I noticed the ducks making their way from the pond to the pool.  It was pouring down rain and I thought, "Well, maybe they are just searching for shelter." 
Obviously, I know nothing about ducks. 

They approached our pool.  They began walking around it, almost in a panic.  My windows were open and I could hear them quacking.  I'm sure they were cussing me out in duck language.  They were determined to find a way through the fence and into our swimming pool.
I continued to watch.

All of the sudden, one of the ducks flew over the fence.  Two more followed.  Within ten seconds, all eight ducks were cheerfully swimming in our pool.  I felt like they were staring at me, through the heavy rain, and thinking1, "We shooooooowed YOU!"
I went out and worked, feverishly, to get the little critters out of the pool and back to the pond.  They just kept swimming!  They knew I wasn't coming in!   I grabbed the long net and began trying to "fish" them out.  Annoyed, they got out of the pool.  Then, I had to chase them around the pool toward the gate.  I must've looked like a total idiot! 
There I was, out in the rain, running around the pool with a nine foot net in my hands screaming at eight ducks to, "Go back to the pond before I kill you all!"

The ducks slowly made their way back to the pond.  Seriously, we are searching for another option.  We have about three weeks left of summer and our pool has been taken over by ducks, their feathers, their poop, and their arrogant attitudes!

When is duck season?

1 comment:

  1. What if you leave food for them at the pond, but refuse to feed them anywhere else? Maybe their gluttony will override their desire for swim. I'm surprised the chlorine isn't making them sick though.
