Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 57

I have to begin by having a tiny pity party.  My dad, my dad who totally rocks, is in the hospital with a major leg infection.  He has been on an IV of agressive antibiotics for 24 hours now.  His knee and up to his groin are swollen, red, painful, and extremely hot.  A blood clot has been ruled out, and they are considering cellulitis.  If it is cellulitis, then it should be clearing up rather quickly.  I'm not exactly sure what else they are considering.  I'm fully expecting the doctor to come in tomorrow and get to the bottom of this. 
So, why am I haviing a pity party?  After all, pity parties are generally selfish in nature.
The pity party is in full force because I can't be there with him.  He is in the hospital and he absolutely hates being there.  My dad DOES NOT sit around; he is up at 4:30AM each morning, and he moves around like the energizer bunny all day long.  If I were there I could go sit with him and we could talk, play around on facebook, and watch TV. 
Since our move, this has been the first time that I feel horribly far away.  I am praying for him and believing for a complete healing; however, that is all I can do at this time.
I love you, dad!

We decided to try a church in Manhattan today.  It was to start at 6PM, so we planned to go early and do some sightseeing and, of course, eat!
We planned to take the train, but, in the end, we decided it was a nice day to drive in.  We were in Manhattan in under a half an hour and we went straight to the restaurant we had chosen...S'MAC.  It is an adult mac n' cheese hot spot.  This place leaves every taste bud one has thoroughly pleased and begging for more. 
I chose the Buffalo Chicken Mac n' Cheese, my daughter chose the Hamburger, my husband chose Indian, and my son chose the classic American Mac n' Cheese.  The place was packed with happy customers, and we were no exception!
With full bellies, we began to explore some of the streets in the East Village.  It's certainly a unique place.  It was so crowded.  I was thinking to myself, "What in the world are all of these thousands of people doing out in this heat on a Sunday afternoon?"  I guess I was one of the thousand, so I could've asked the same question of myself.

We began to sweat profusely.  It got miserably hot, and with such large crowds, I began to get somewhat disgusted each time we had to stop to cross the street and someone's sweaty arm would rub against mine. 
We decided to drive to China Town.  That is really something to see!
Again, thousands of people crammed into blocks of buildings, restaurants, apartments, and other essential places. It was extremely difficult to drive through this area because the traffic was horrid. 
China Town was unique and definitely a place worth visiting.  We love chinese food, so we will definitley be going back when we aren't so full from mac n' cheese!

Finally, it was almost time for church to begin.  I was starting to get nervous.  Anytime I prepare to enter a new church I begin to feel some anxiety. 
Before I discuss entering the church, let me explain our surroundings.

My husband, kids and I were walking through the East Village.  I don't know how many blocks the East Village consists of, so I am only speaking of our exact area.  We were several blocks away from the church.  I was looking around me.  Everywhere I looked, I saw the same thing.  Try to picture it:
There were thousands of people.  It was such a busy place.  The traffic was unreal.  There were men holding hands with men and vise versa with women.  All of the bars had their doors open and massive amounts of alcohol were being consumed.  People were sitting on the sidewalks drinking in front of the bars, people were visibly publicly intoxicated.  Some people were just passed out on the street.  I was just watching all of the people.  I was taking it all in.

We saw the church sign.  Right in the middle of everything I was describing was a church!  We walked down about seven stairs until we reached the door to the church.  It looked like we were walking down into a basement.  I opened the door and we walked in.  The greeters were friendly and we conveniently chose the second row from the back. 

I looked around at all of the people.  They were smiling and conversing.  Once the music started, I  began to try to calclate the number of the people in the basement church.  I estimate just over 100  people.  As everyone was praising and worshiping the Lord, I became a bit disheartened.  Just outside the door to the church are thousands of people.  The sin was rampant.  I described it to my husband and daughter as "thick."  As we were walking to the church, the sin was so "thick" that I could literally feel it.  It was weighing me down.  All of that was taking place three feet from the door to the church.

I redirected my focus to the music.  It was beautiful and everyone was just loving on the Lord.  The pastor began speaking and the sermon was powerful!  It was about the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  The Holy Spirit is power; it is a free gift.  It was awesome! 

Church was over, and my family and I opened the door of the church to exit.  We climbed the seven or so steps and we were back on the sidewalk...surrounded by the thousands of people that I referred to before.  I stopped and looked around.  My heart was breaking.  These people, each and every one of them, need Jesus.  They have to be shown His love.  They deserve the opportunity to experience the love and peace of our Savior. 

God's mercy and grace is magnificient.  He doesn't say to us, "Go get help from your addictions.  Fix yourself.  Try to get better and then come to me and I'll try to do the rest."
NO!  He says, "Come as you are!"  It doesn't matter what you're doing, what you've done, or what you are planning to do!  He loves us all the same.  Those that choose to follow Him and love Him, and those that want absolutely nothing to do with Him...His love is the same for all.
He just asks that we come as we are!

We were walking back to the car and I saw a mission field.  There is a battle raging on the streets, and it's not just the streets of NYC!  Satan wants to win this battle.  He is the author of lies, and he roams this earth trying to destroy us.  The Bible says he is seeking who he can devour.  We can't let him win the battle.  We MUST view this world as our mission field and tell others about the Love of God.  Show others kindness.  Show them grace.  We must be the hands and feet of Jesus.  That is what we are called to do.

The Bible says that the road to heaven is narrow and few find it, but the road to hell is large.  I believe that more than ever tonight.  I walked the streets of NYC and watched the masses.  I witnessed thousands upon thousands of people living sinless and hopeless lives.  I walked into the church and participated with about 100 others in worhipping our Lord. 
It's disheartening.  It burdens me, and I know I have to do something about it.

We sang a song tonight and the chorus was:
God makes beautiful things out of dust.
God makes beautfiul things out of us.

All we have to do is choose Him and COME AS WE ARE!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 56

Day 56 has definitley been one of "those" days.  You know, the kind of day that begins full of plans, a full "to do" list...and none of it gets done.

We had  planned to go to NYC to Little Italy and enjoy some delicious food.  Well, we let time get away from us, and eventually decided to save it for another day.

I planned on getting a great workout in today.  It's Satuday, I had plenty of time, and there were no excuses!  Unfortunately, I did think of excuses.  I avoided the workout entirely.

Last night we had the most unbelievably tasting lasagna pizza and chased it down with peanut butter M&Ms.  So, today was supposed to be a "light" eating day.  I would workout, eat a couple of small meals, and then the pizza and M&Ms from the night before would be cancelled out!
Well, that plan failed!  I had the leftover pizza for lunch and homemade pancakes for dinner...with syrup!  They were so delicious but oh so bad for me!

My husband and I thought about having a date night.  Time got away from us.  It started to get dark and we hadn't even showered.  We were too tired to rush around and get ready.  We stayed in all night and utilized Netflix.  We started at episode 1 of The Cosby Show; we are now on episode 12!

Tomorrow we are trying a new church in NYC.  It starts at 6PM, so we will get there early, eat (of course), do some exploring, and then go to church at 6.   We are really looking forward to visiting this church! 

We are praying for my dad tonight.  He has had some swelling and redness in his knee.  It was hot and painful to the touch.  After work tonight he noticed that it was spreading up his leg.  My mom took him to the ER and they admitted him.  The diagnosis is cellulitis.  He is on and IV of fluids and two antibiotics.  They have called a surgeon in because they have to know if it has spread to the joints. 
We are praying and believing for a complete healing for my dad.  We are praying that it has not spread to the joints and that the infection will cease to remain in his body.
He is quite a character.  They had to admit him to get this infection under control; however, he was determined to go home and sleep in his own bed.  I don't blame him one bit.  Of course the doctor won, and my dad is staying in the hospital where they can monitor him closely.
I love him so much, and I am thanking the Lord in advance for a miraculous healing in my dad's body.

Thank the Lord that tomorrow is a new day.  I'm going to do everything on my "to do" list, and that includes eating a couple of light meals and getting a really good workout in!  (wink, wink)
We'll just have to see what the day brings!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 55--Greener Grass

As  I was strolling through status lines on facebook this morning one, in particular, stood out to me.   It echoed so many other facebook status lines and converstaions I have read or had over the years.  It read:

"Sometimes when I read status updates, I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't have it all together.  Am I doing something wrong?"

After this was posted, many people responded to her.  They were all explaining that facebook is just a place for people to brag and make their lives seem perfect, when, really, none of us have a perfect life.

It's so easy to feel the way my sister felt this morning.  I feel it almost every day.  Sometimes while on facebook, sometimes while at the grocery store, sometimes when watching television, and there are countless other examples. 

Maybe the grass really is greener on the other side.

It is so easy to simply skim an individual up and down with a quick glance, and then make all sorts of assumptions about his or her life.  We think things like, "Wow, they must have tons of money...must be nice."  Other days, on facebook, we think things like, "This girl has already worked out, cleaned her house spotlessly, and she's leaving for a ten day vacation tomorrow...I'm still in my pajamas with a messy house!  How does she manage this?"  Honestly, I've even been guilty of thinking things like, "She has definitely had a boob job; those can't be real!"

It is so easy to have "the grass is greener on the other side" mindset.  It is everywhere.  We live in a "keeping up with the Jones's" society.  We want bigger, better and faster, and then we want everyone else to know about it. 

The Bible is so clear about the dangers of coveting our neighbor.  Why is that so difficult.  Often times, as humans, in our sinful nature, when we hear of a job promotion, or an aquaintance's wonderful vacation, or someone building a big new house, as much as we want to be happy for them, we struggle.  Even if we are genuinely excited for the person or family, we still harbor jealousy. 

The bottom line is this:  No individul has greener grass than you or I.  They really don't. 
Every single person we pass on the street is fighting some kind of battle.  They have either gone through it, are going through it, or will go through it. 

Money certainly doesn't make one happy.  It can allow for more opportunity and more "things," but that's it.  Some of the wealthiest people I know are also the most miserable.  Let's take a look at celebrities.  They are millionaires.  They have people at their beck and call to do whatever they ask them to do.  They have personal assistants, personal trainers, nannys, and more.  It sounds like a perfect life from someone on the outside looking in, but is it?
Check out the magazine racks the next time you are in the grocery store.  These same celebrities I referred to above are suffering from addictions, divorce, sickness, losses, etc...
It is disheartening.  I envy them when I see them on a crystal clear beach somewhere soaking up the sun, but I pity them when I see them on the cover of a magazine as they are entering rehab.

Think about this power couple:  Jo Lo and Marc Anthony.  Recently, I witnessed them on American Idol dancing and singing together.  It was HOT!  They were staring into eachother's eyes and putting on quite a show!  I was thinking, "Wow...they are totally in love and and are going to go home tonight after this show and get it on!"
Days later, I heard they were separating.  It was everywhere.  I heard it on the news (as if we don't have any BIG newsworthy stories right now), I read it in magazines, and I listened to it on the radio.  Everyone was in shock!  Jo Lo and Marc Anthony??  This can't be!
The night of the dance at American Idol, they really were doing nothing but putting on a show.  They have everything!  They have money, beautiful twins, fame, beauty...what was missing?

Consider social media such as facebook for a bit.  We put what we feel on our facebook status lines and everyone reads it.  I read status lines such as, "I ran ten miles today.  Who wants to meet later and work on our abs and buns?"  Some days, people will post pictures of themselves or their vacations or their families.  I sit and ponder, "Why can't I look more like her?  It looks like her family vacations are nothing but peace and quiet.  Her kids must never fight!  It sure does look like she's had a recent boob job!"  Other days, when I am feeling unmotivated, I'll come across a status line that reads, "My house is spotless.  My kids are down for naps while I bake brownies.  When they wake up, we are leaving for our Disney Cruise!"
I begin to think that my life is very unexciting.  I feel like everyone else has it all together.  Do they ever struggle?  Do they ever feel overwhelmed and just want to curl up in the fetal position and cry a river?

My status line this morning read something like this:

"I'm drinking a perfect cup coffee, my son is having a great time with his new cat, and my daughter's friend just have her tickets to a Yankees game!  All of these blessings make the "not so great" parts of life seem so much smaller."

That was all true; however, later in the day, if I wouldn've written a completely honest status line, it would've sounded like this:

"My husband wants to take us out for pizza tonight, but I really don't want to because I already feel so fat.  I can't even begin to explain the painful and strange sensations that are running crazy in my forehead.  It causes me to be so anxious that I have a hard time catching my breath and it actually feels like my throat is closing up.  I haven't met many people here yet, and some days, I feel like I don't exist at all.  What the heck am I supposed to do with my life?"

Yes, that would have been my afternoon/early evening status line, but who wants to hear that?  Do we really want people to be brutally honest anyway? 
Honestly on facebook, when people do brutally honest status lines, I am guilty of thinking, "Yikes!" 

Let's focus on beauty for a moment.  What even is beauty?  The world has told us what is beautiful and what isn't, and we have listened!  It used to be "in" to be heavy.  Now, the government is tossing around the idea of taxing junk food! (Scary, huh!)  Models are so thin now that they are literally starving themselves and droppind dead in their twenties!  Men should be tall, muscular, and have nice teeth.  Women should be tall, thin but curvy, and have big fake boobs (I'm thinks VS models here).  We should be strong, but not too strong.  That's what "they" say, at least.  It's what we see in the magazines. 
I was watching a beauty pageant once.  The contestant on stage was asked a question.  I don't remember the question, but I remember her answer.  She replied, "There will always be prettier people than me, and uglier people than me.  I just have to hope the prettier person isn't standing next to me on stage."
Wow!  That was bold, but she was just being honest about how she felt. 
I'm certainly guilty of comparing myself to others.  The Bible is clear about us now doing that simply because the Lord knew it could be tortorous for us.  There will always be prettier people!  I get all dressed up to go out with my husband.  I work on my makeup, my hair, and  pick out my favorite outfit.  I feel pretty; however, it never fails...we get to our destination and we are seated next to a "really" pretty woman. 
Then what happens?
I feel insecure.  I don't feel pretty anymore.  I begin to wish I was taller, had longer legs, bigger boobs, larger lips, etc...
Yes, this is crazy, but this is also an honest blog.  I'm sure if some of you were completely honest, you would admit to the same types of feelings and insecurities.
Beauty fades.  Not one single person can escape that.  A person can have facelfits, but his or her neck and hands still look old and wrinkly.  Everyone ages, wrinkles, and starts to sag...eventually. 

So, is the grass really greener on the other side?
No way!  A person may have prettier features, be taller, be wealthier, have a better job, be famous, be wiser, or be the star athlete; however, that is simply a blade of grass in his or her life.  That blessing that the indivudual has isn't all of his or her "grass."  The grass is life.  Life is made up of ups, downs, triumphs, grief, tears and joy.  The blade, the tiny blade of grass, are those things that we envy about others.

I see a woman who has a dream job.  She is wealthy and has moved up the ladder of success at work.  It seems like she has it all together.
I start to think her grass is greener, but wait!
That's a nice, lucious green blade for sure.  All the rest of her grass...that's another story.  Her struggles and insecurities are endless.  She never gets enough sleep.  She doesn't have time for a social life.  She doesn't have time for her chilfren.  She fights with her husband because he wants to go out and she has to get work done at home.  She is always climbing, climbing, climbing, and every time she reaches the next level, she has to climb harder and faster.  More is exptected.  She looks fabulous in those business suits, but inside she feels hollow.
The job that we envy is a blade a grass, and everything else is the large yard of grass.  I don't want her yard of grass, although the one blade is appealing at times.

God sees us all as special and unique.  Everyone has their gifts and taents and also their insecurities and failures.  He loves us still the same, and He is no respector of persons.  He loves the lonely man at the homeless shelter just as must as he loves you and me.

No individual's grass is greener.  We all have a really thick, lucious, green blade or two, but the rest is just...LIFE!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 54--Furry Feline Found...Finally!

I am pleased to announce that we are pet owners!  I regret to inform that we were not able to adopt through a shelter.  After being denied by two shelters, and put on hold by the third, I knew that a shelter just wasn't going to work for us this time. 

I opened up the huge and overwhelming phone book and began calling pet shops.  Many of them had puppies, but they did not have kittens.  Finally, when I was on the brink of giving up, I called a pet shop near NYC and they had one kitten!  They said it was male,  12 weeks old, and black and white.  That's really the only information they gave me.

My son got home and I told him the news.  We decided to make the trip.  I was praying my GPS would not fail me; if it did, I knew I was in big trouble!  I made it to the address with no wrong turns or road construction inconveniences! 
Where was this pet shop?
I called them and they informed me that they had moved.
You've GOT to be kidding me!
The owner gave me the new address.  It was about ten more miles down. 
Off we went.

Right before we arrived, I reminded my son that we may not get the kitten.  If the kitten was scared, extremely timid, or aggressive, then I would say, "Thank you, but we're going to keep looking."  If I did this, then my son was to accept it and leave without questioning my decision.  I assured him that, eventually, we would find us a cat!
He said, "Ok, mom, but I have a really good feeling about this one."
I was really hoping he was right.

We arrived and immediately saw this little kitten in a cage, surrounded by about 20 dogs!  I felt so sorry for it!  All of the barking was driving me crazy; I could only imagine how irritating it must be to a tiny kitten! 
My son sit on the floor and opened his cage and he came right out and sit on his lap.  He was purring and it actually seemed like the dogs weren't bothering him at all!  I reached down to pet him and he was soft as silk.  I was already hooked!

We put our new kitten in the cage we brought (just in case we purchased him).  I paid.  I won't even go into that.  We paid too much for this tiny black and white kitten.  I hated doing it, but, sometimes, you just do it.  We're hoping to get between 12-17 years with this kitty, and I know we won't look back and say, "Man, we paid too much for this cat!"  On the contrary, we will love him for many years to come, and, in the end, he will be worth every penny.

We're  home now, and he fits right in!  He's the coolest little cat!  After much thought, my son decided on the way home that he would name his new kitten Alvin.  It suits him well. Plus, I was just happy that he decided against naming him Biscuit!  I don't think I could get used to that!

Welcome to our family, Alvin!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 53--The Cat Quest

Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have imagined that trying to adopt a cat would be an impossible quest.

As I mentioned in my previous post, my son really wants a cat for his upcoming birthday.  Really, we would all like to add a pet to our family.  My son's cousin is coming for another visit in about a month, which is before my son's birthday.  Our son conviced us to get the cat now, as an early birthday gift, so that his cousin will be able to see our new pet when he visits.  It sounded like a great idea!  I was really starting to get excited! 
There are so many available cats and kittens; which one would we choose to take home with us?

Our cat quest began with a phone call to a shelter about seven miles away.  I looked through their available cats and kittens online, and I couldn't imagine how we would ever be able to choose!  There were at least 50 felines just waiting for happy homes!
The woman on the phone instructed me to fill out the online application, and then they would respond within 48 hours as to whether or not we were proper candidates for cat ownership.

Wow!  I have had cats in my home since I was about seven-years-old; however, I didn't figure I needed to go into all of those details over the phone.
She told me to include references, which must be non-family members.  If my references give us a good reccomendation, then they would call me and we would be allowd to view the cats...
Then, comes the real kicker.  She says, "If you are allowed to view the cats and kittens, you must bring every member of your family with you, including other cats or dogs that live in the home, to spend time with the cat you have chosen.

Whoa!  If the woman on the other line could've seen the face I was making, she certainly would have hung up the phone.  I was polite, and held in my laughter until after I hung up the phone. 
I filled out the online application.

Next, I  googled another shelter.  It was about seven miles away in the other direction.  I printed their application and filled it all out.  My son ran to the van and I followed closely behind.  We were on our way to adopt a cat from the shelter!

Thanks to my GPS, we found the shelter within ten minutes.  We were amazed at all of the animals.  I've never seen so many cats, dogs, kittens and puppies staring at me from behind their tiny cages.  It was so loud!  Every dog was barking at us, as if to say, "Pick me!"  The cats just sat in the backs of their cages...afraid.

I found the office and gave one of the employees our application.  My son was so excited!  She looked at it, and then said, "I don't think you are going to be able to adopt one of our cats."
Puzzled, I said, "Why?  I filled everything out."
She replied, "Well, you checked "YES" when it asked if you were planning to declaw."
I tried to explain to her that it was a possibility that we would do a frontal declaw on our chosen cat.
She looked at us, as if she were completely disgusted, and said, "I'm getting the cat manager!"

What?  I felt like I was going to the principal's office!  My son kept trying to ask me what was going on but I had to tell him to be quiet and patient.

The "cat manager" came out.  Immediately, she said, "I hear you are planning to declaw.  You can't adopt one of our cats if your planning to declaw.  Do you know anything about declawing?"
Stunned, I slowly said, "Yes, I have had my cats declawed, front only, in the past, and they have all been fine."
"Why in the world would you do something like that?" she scolded.

I believe at this point I backed up a little and said, in my more impatient voice, "My furniture!"
That made her very angry with me.  She replied, "You are not a candidate to adopt here."

Well, at this point, I was convinced that I was on candid camera, and any second a film crew would come out from around the corner.  Everyone would be smiling and high fiving, and there would be balloons.  My husband would be there, and we would all be laughing hysterically.
That never happened.

I looked at her straight in her tiny brown eyes and said, "You mean to tell me, that I am not able to adopt one of these cats?  You have 50 cats sitting here staring at me, scared to death because all of these dogs are barking at them, and I can't purchase one because I might have it's front claws removed?"

She began telling me about the dangers of declawing and how cruel it is.  She couldn't believe I was even considering such a torturous act.
She started walking away from us and said, "I have your application.  I'll put you on the declaw list?"
"What in the world is the declaw list?" I yelled.
She briefly turned back in our direction and said, "Sometimes we get cats turned in that have been declawed.  If we do, you're on the list to be called and notified."

What the heck?  In hopes of looking like a responsible cat owner, I actually wore a nice outfit to this shelter...a lot of good that did me!

My son looked up at me and his blue eyes were the size of half dollars.  He whispered, "Mom, don't you think these ladies are mean?"
I assured him that we would not be adopting a cat from them. 

As we were getting back into the van, I turned to look at all of those poor animals living their lives in those tiny cages.  All they want is a loving home, and we wanted to provide that, and were not given the oportunity. 

So, we're back to square one, which is sitting at the dining room table, on my laptop, searching for cats online.
Hopefully, in the next week or so, I'll be reporting that we have an adorable little addition to our family! 
Trust me, even if we choose to declaw, he or she will be a lucky and very spoiled little furry feline!

In other news, all of the anxiety and frustration that the "cat ladies" caused me today, brought on my headaches/head sensations.  I had a lot of pressure, numbness, and I just felt horrible.  I called my mom and asked her to be praying for me.  Unfortunately, with the headaches come anxiety.  They're equally dreadful.

I got in the shower, and a song entered my mind and it goes like this:
"I cast all my cares upon You.
I lay, all of my burdens,
down at Your feet.
And anytime, I don't know
what to do
I will cast, all my cares, upon You."

I know, when my headaches were bad a couple of nights ago, I remembered another song from my childhood.  That just happens, I guess. 

So, I sang this song quietly for the rest of the evening.  It comforted me. 
It doesn't matter if I'm dealing with a simple "cat quest," or a horrible headache, the lyrics to this little song still apply.

Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 52

I am a blessed woman.  I feel this way for many reasons, but tonight, I am swelling with pride due to my children.  They really are my pride and joy.

My daughter just turned 17.  She amazes me.  This summer, she is working her first full-time job.  She is so mature and responsible.  She just had her first evaluation and she exceeded expectations. 
She always exceeds my expectations.
This past week, we had seven family members from Illinois visiting.  My daughter was so excited about their arrival.  She misses them as much as I do!  She dreaded the idea of going to work every day while we were out having a good time and enjoying each other's company. 
Every night, we would all stay up late into the night.  She would stay up with us, because she wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. 
I told her to take a day off of work and hang out with us.  I know, I sound like a horrible influence!  What kind of mother tells her daughter to take off of work?
She refused.  Her work ethic really impresses me.  She works so hard.  Whether she is helping me around the house, or working at her job, she gives it her all.

She is so kind.  She really cares about the feelings of others.  She would never leave anyone "out." 

I admire her ability to stand up for what she believes in.  She doensn't change for anyone.  Some of the people she works with are older and they have asked her to go out with them.  They always say, "Do you drink?" 
She says, "No, but I'd love to hang out sometime!"
We were talking about it and she commented that they may not ask her to do much now that they know that she doesn't drink.  She is fine with that.  She really is.

I give her so much credit, because even as adults we face peer pressure.  It is normal to want to be accepted, to fit in, and simply to be liked. 
I know peer pressure is even more difficult for teenagers.  Still, my daughter stands firm to her beliefs. 

She values her relationship with God and with her family.  She cherishes friendships.  She is very private.  She only shares intimate things with very few people.  That's just how she is; it's how God made her. 

Her mental strength is like nothing I've ever seen.   She sets goals, and then follows through.  She is so determined and will not allow anything to stand in her way.  She adapts to new situations and enjoys a challenge.

She is beautiful on the inside and the out.  I know that statement is thrown around a lot, but it is absolutely true for my daughter.

My son is a character.  I am fortunate enough to live with a little comedian.  He can push every one of my buttons until I feel like pulling my hair out by the roots, and then he'll crack a joke, and I can't help but laugh!

He'll be seven soon, and he's decided he wants a cat.  He says he doesn't care what it looks like, or how old it is.  He doesn't even care if it's a boy or a girl.  If it's a girl he'll name her Sally and if it's a boy he'll name him Biscuit. 
He asked me to say, "We'll have to think about it."  He doens't want me to just say ,"Yes," because then it won't be a surprise!  I know...hilarious!
He wants us to get it a blue collar and a green leash and a litter box with litter.  He needs a measuring cup for the food. 
His plan is that, on his birthday, he'll come around the corner and say, "What is in that box?" 
I'll reply, "Open it and find out!"
He'll open it, and there is his birthday kitten!

He's planned the whole "surprise!"

He loves people!  He makes friends with strangers. 
When I tell him that a particular person is hurt or going through a difficult time, he puts them on our prayer list and he prays for them every night.
We have been praying for a teenager named Derek for many months.  Last week, he said, "Mom, how is Derek?  Is he all better?"
I replied, "Yes, he is doing very well!  Prayers have worked for him!"
His response amazed me.  He so sweetly said, "Well, let's keep praying for him anyway."
So, we do!  He prays for people he's never even met, and if I forget, then he will remind me!

He keeps me on my toes.  He wears me out.  I love every second of it.

My blessings from the Lord.  They are His creation and they belong to him, and He trusted me to be their mom.
What a job!  What a noble calling! 

I was watching television one night last year, and I heard someone say, "You are only as happy as your least happy child."
I find that to be so true.
When we first moved to New York, my children, naturally, struggled.  They missed home, family, friends and their "comfort zones."  They cried and ached.
So, I cried and ached.
My children are tough.  They are adaptable. 
Now, I am writing on Day 52.  My children are adjusted and happy.  They have worked hard to create "new normals" and new "comfort zones."  What brave gifts I've been given!
The quote holds true.  My children are smiling and I am smiling.  My children are adjusing and I am adjusting.

Things aren't perfect.  Every day presents new challenges and issues as we continue to settle here.  Thefab4 are tough.

God is good!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 51

There is a song I used to sing as a child, and it goes like this:

"Devil, get outta my way
for I'm'a comin through.
You can't stop these feet of mine
from walking over you.
I'm gonna leave you lying there
in your misery.
For I know my Jesus,
has come to set me free."

This little song has been popping into my head lately, and it's due to my headaches. 
The headaches I am referring to have been diagnosed as cluster headaches, and I have had them every single day for about five months.  Some days I may have one, some days three, and other days it seems that I have one almost the entire day.
What am I to do with this??

My neurologist conducted many tests, all of which came back perfectly fine.  My doctor has taken lots of blood and tested for many things.  Each time, I got the phone call telling me that it was all normal.

Today the headaches were especially bad.  It seemed to last the entire day.  I have had very little relief. 

My neurologist seems to think that my headaches will disappear within six months of our move.  I am not ok with that.  I am ready NOW!

I am definitely learning patience with this whole "headache" process.  As I stated, I am ready for my headaches to be gone and never to return.  I absolutely dread them.  When I don't have one, I worry when the next one will begin. 
Then, I begin to stress that there is an underlying problem that the doctors haven't been able to discover.  I stress over it, which causes the headaches to occur and worsen.  It's a downward spiral from there. 
It has to end.

I have complete trust in the Lord that He is going to heal me; He will take thse headaches away. 
I know it is not His will for me to stress and worry and create even more anxiety for myself over these headaches. 
I receive my healing, and know that it can, and will, be done!  I only speak life to my body.  I am healed in Jesus' name.

Tonight I just broke down.  I was tired of the headache.  I was sick of the anxiety that accompanies the headache. 

Finally, the song that I learned as a little girl made it's way through the stress mess that was ravaging my mind, and took over. 

"Devil get outta my way for I'm a comin through!
You can't stop these feet of mine from walkin over you!
I'm gonna leave you lying there
in your misery!
For I know my Jesus
has come to set me free!"


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Days 47-50--My eyes are watering for some reason.

It's been a few days since I've blogged.  It's for good reason.  My family from Illinois has been here visiting for the past week, and we were doing what we do best:  having fun, and lots of it!

I'll begin with this morning, and backtrack from there.  This morning was what I was dreading since they got here last Sunday.  We had to say, "See ya soon." 

My youngest sister and her 14-month-old daughter were the first to leave this morning.  I got out of bed and found them sitting in my daughter's room.  My niece was sitting up eating her oatmeal with bananas smashed up in it.  She had it all over her face and it was adorable.  She had this big turquoise bow in her hair and it made her eyes look even bigger and browner.  She's the lucky one.  She had no idea that we were saying our goodbyes.  My sister and I hugged tightly.  She was crying as she told me what a great time they had.  As I'll explain later, this trip has not exactly been easy for her, but she says she would do it again in a heartbeat, and I know that she would.  I love those girls so much.  They were such troopers during their visit, and the visit just didn't last long enough.

Next, it was time for my mom, my other sister, her husband, and their two boys to leave.  Why does a week have to go so quickly?  My mom came in and talked to my husband and I about how much she loved visiting and had a great time.  She enjoyed everything that we did, and we did a lot!  She was finishing up packing her suitcase all up as she was talking.  She looked beautiful.  I told her it looked like she was going to a supermodel convention and not getting ready to go take a flight home! 
When she went into my son's room to love on him for awhile, the sweetest thing happened.  She was telling him how much she loves him and how she prays for him every single day and loved coming to see his new house.  All of the sudden, my son said, "My eyes are watering for some reason."  My mom replied, "For some reason, mine are watering too."  You see, my son always does his best not to cry.  We have never discouraged crying, that is just how he is.  He loves his mamaw, and hated to see her leave, but didn't want to admit to crying about it.  What a precious moment!

My sister was busy all morning packing the perfect "carry on" to take care of her two boys for the flights home.  Her oldest son turned five while they were here, and her youngest son is 18 months.  She was cutting up strawberries, packing bananas, gathering fruit snacks and granola bars, and making sure they had books and other activities.  As she was preparing the bags, her husband was carrying up luggage and chasing after their youngest son.  They were packed and ready to go right on schedule.  That is typical of them.  They are always on time! 
My son and her son are best friends.  They were struggling about  this being the "last day."  They had such a great time.  They never stopped to rest for an entire week.  They played and they played hard!  Then they would get up early the next day to do it again!  I've never seen so much energy!  My son and my sister's son have been best friends since they were born.  We always say they have a love/hate relationship.  They will get along for hours.  They'll play, run, explore, make messes and get into all kids of trouble together.  Then, out of nowhere, the fun and games are over.  Our boys are fighting like the worst of enemies. They will swear that they are never playing together again.  Then, 15 minutes later, they're running off together laughing.  That's what family is all about!  They've already planned what they are going to do the next time they visit!
My sister's 18-month-old ran around all morning exploring.  He is high on energy and temper, but he is also high on love.  He is into absolutely everything.  He can throw a fit like nothing I've ever seen before.  He is as hard-headed as they come; however, he is also a loverboy.  Every morning, as soon as he would see me coming down the stairs, he would point to me and smile.  He says "thank you," for everything.  He can throw a screaming fit, and then look at you with those big blue eyes and smile, and, by then, you've already forgotten about the fit!

We carried all of their luggage out to the van.  My husband and son were going to drive them to the airport.  I hugged my mom so tightly.  How could I ever let her go?  It is so nice having her around.  Sometimes when my mom is around, I get to the the "kid" again.  It's comforting.  I thought about trying to pick her up and carry her back to the house and maybe lock her in one of the bedrooms.  That is what my heart wanted to do, but my head was telling me I had to let her go.  She assured me that she was praying for my headaches and she knows I am going to receive a total healing.  I believe that too.  My mom is simply amazing.

My sister and I hugged.  We both just wanted to stand there and cry.  As soon as the tears started to build in our eyes, my sister said, "For some reason, my eyes are watering.  It must be these crazy allergies."  That broke the ice.  We were able to laugh instead of cry.  I know that's the way it should be. We went from living a mile apart and seeing each other every day, to living 600 miles apart.  That transistion has been difficult; however, we are both very strong and determined. 

This has been one of the most fun-filled, action-packed, chaotic, no-sleep, calorie-intaking weeks I've ever had.  When you have seven adults, one teenager, two kids and two toddlers under the same roof for one week, there are bound to be many ups and many downs.  We were no exception.  We enjoyed every "up," and stuck together during every "down."

My youngest sisters flight was delayed, then cancelled, then rescheduled, so she got here later than expected.  Still, she made it and had a fabulous time! 
The week they all arrived just happened to be a "heat wave."  Being outdoors, with the exception of being in the pool, was almost unbearable.  Still, we carried on with all of our outdoor plans. 
We took all of the kids to the Bronx Zoo and got stuck on the monorail.  I thought we were going to suffocate due to the heat.  We didn't!  It's actually something we are laughing about now!
All 12 of us took the train into NYC.  The heat was absolutely unbelievable and dreadful!  Still, we spent about ten hours there.  We ate at the Stardust Diner and danced and sang to the music as we ate.  Also, while there, as my sister was holding her daughter, water started to gush out and hit the floor!  It was all over my sister and we were thinking, "Where in the world is all of this coming from?"  We were even looking up at the ceiling thinking that maybe there was a leak.  Well, there was a leak, but it wasn't from the ceiling.  My niece was peeing like nothing we had ever seen before and it was pouring out the top of her diaper.  They were literally standing in a massive puddle of pee.  My niece had a change of clothes, and my sister had the unfortunate experience of walking around the city smelling like urnine all day!  It was quite an experience.
We went into several stores and took in all of the sights and smells of the big city.  My mom, sisters and I spotted the "Naked Cowboy" and we all posed with him for some hilarious pictures.  When he turned around and said, "Let's get some shots from behind," my mom took off!  She wanted no part of that!  My sisters and I were cracking up!
We went down to South Street Seaport and took the ferry to Staten Island.  We wanted to get a little closer to the Statue of Liberty.  We had never taken the Staten Island Ferry, and even though it was brutally hot, we loved the exprience.

We hung at at home in the pool for a couple of days. We ordered food at a couple of different delis for lunch.  We were never unhappy with our food choices.  I know we all gained five to ten during the visit.  It was worth every calorie! 

One day, my niece started running a fever that just kept getting higher and higher.  My other sister and brother-in-law, and my husband and I had dinner reservations  at a nice spot overlooking the beautiful Hudson River and the Tappan Zee Bridge.  We enjoyed our dinner immensely and then went walking to a local ice cream shop.  As we were eating, we got a call telling us that our niece's fever was almost 105 and they could not get it down.  We rushed home and three of us drove them to the ER.  We were there until almost 1:30AM.  It turns out she had picked up a virus and it was wreaking havoc on her little body. As they were trying to get meds down her she vomited everywhere....and I mean everywhere!  My husband and daughter had to run home to get my sister another outfit because she was covered from head to toe.  It was horrible. 
Finally, the fever bagan to come down and they were comfortable letting us leave with strict instructions.  We ended up being up until around 6AM!  Again, sleep was not something we did a lot of!  The next day, the fever was easily controlled by meds and she is well on her way to a full recovery!

Last night, my mom and I took the train back into the city for some sightseeing and to visit Creflo Dollar's church at the Manhattan Center.  He is a preacher that she watches every day.  I enjoyed the time with just my mom and me.  We were able to talk, laugh, take pictures and just savor being together!  We devoured red velvet cake and a wheat-free brownie.  When it was time to go, she got us a taxi, got in, and simply said, "Grand Central Station."  She turned into a regular New Yorker!  It was priceless!
Of course, we missed our train by about four minutes!  It was no big deal.  We just took the next one and got home an hour later than expected.
We got home and soon a competetive monopoly game broke out.  At about 1:30AM, my daughter finally won the game by beating her dad and uncle. 

There was another highlight to the week!  My nephew learned to jump off the side of the pool and swim underwater.  He arrived swimming in a life jacket, and left SWIMMING in the deep end!  What an accomplishment!

Throughout our week, while here at home, it seems that one of the babies was always napping, and we were trying to make everyone else be quite.   One baby slept in the basement, and from down there, it sounded like a herd of elephants lived upstairs.  The other baby slept upstairs on the second floor, and it was like every noise made traveled up those stairs right into her room to wake her. The babies didn't get much sleep either! 

My family loved our house and location.  I think they have more peace now knowing exactly where we are in the world!  Now, when I call them and say, "I took my son to the barbershop," or "We went to Coldstone tonight," they will know exactly what we are talking about.  They will be able to envision it.
It is back to the reality of skyping, texting, and talking on the phone.  I won't wake up to them each morning in my kitchen fixing breakfast and laughing.  I don't have my "built in" shopping buddies here anymore.  They even made going to the grocery store fun!

No matter where we live, or how far apart we are as far as mileage is concerned, we are still a family.  We know how to have a great time despite any circumstance, and we love unconditionally. 
Having them in our home for the past week has been pure joy.  Every single solitary second of their visit made my heart happy.
I am blessed beyond measure to experience the kind of love that my family pours out.  It is overflowing and beautiful.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 46

We are having such a great time; I do not want it to end!

We got up this morning and had our typical chaotic breakfasts.  It was awesome.  I only had time for a big cup of coffee, because we had places to go!

We loaded up the diaper bags, snacks, strollers and my GPS and drove to the Bronx.  I was so excited to introduce my family to the Bronx Zoo!  I got us there without making even one wrong turn!  Unfortunately, once we were there, we realized that it was "free day" at the zoo.  Every single church group, daycare group, and senior group was there. 

We decided to take a ride on a monorail and see "Africa."  It was all fun and games at first...until the train in front of us broke down, which put every train on halt.  There we were, up in the air, with no air flow.  The kids were hungry.  We were dripping in sweat.  It was awful!  A lady kept getting on the intercom and reassuring us that they were doing everything they could to get the train up and running.  Seriously, we were all about in tears at this point!
Finally, we hear her voice again, "Folks, thanks for your patience.  We will be leaving in five minutes!"

We really didn't explore much more of the zoo!  We were so hot, hungry and exhausted after that ordeal, that we decided to leave and find something else to do!

The babies both fell asleep in the van on the way home.  We put them in their beds, fed the big boys, and then they ran off and played.  Then, the fun began...

My mom, sisters, daughter and I were out on the deck.  We were eating and having a great time.  We were talking "girl talk" and laughing so hard that it hurt. 
I knew, before they even arrived, that we would have some of our most enjoyable moments right here, at home, just simply spending quality time together.  That has proven to be true.

I took one of my sisters and her daughter down to the pond to feed the momma duck and her ducklings.  They are getting so big!  At this point, it is difficult to distinguish between the momma and her babies!  It must be all that bread we feed them!

Then, I went into the pool area with my son and nephew.  My nephew arrived here and was a little leery of the water.  He wore a life jacket and wasn't thrilled to go under the water.  We have all spent a lot of time in the pool.  My son and I were convincing him to jump in and go all the way under the water.  It wasn't long, and he was going under.  Soon after, he was swimming under the water without his life jacket, and finally, he was letting me throw him in the water and he would pop up and swim to the side! 
We were cheering and so proud of him!

My husband and brother-in-law went to play golf with my husband's boss and another friend from work.  So, I took everyone downtown in our village.  We parked and walked to all the different shops, cafes, pizzerias, toy stores, and ice cream shops.  We ended up at Cold Stone Creamery and then Dunkin' Donuts to get breakfast for tomorrow morning.
I have really enjoyed showing them not only my home, but the entire area in which my family and I reside. 

Tonight, we put all the kids to bed.  We were all in the kitchen and dining room.  Of course, we were snacking and laughing about everything there possibly is to laugh about.  The house is a mess, the kids are in bed, and we were just having a ball. 

I asked them if there was any way that we could just all move in together.  We decided it would be just perfect if we built one large home, and each family would have their own "wing."  There would be a "central" space, which would be a huge kitchen. 
What a dream!  There's nothing wrong with dreams...

My son and his best friend, his little cousin, have been counting each day they are here.  They don't want the visit to end.  My nephew said, "I never want to leave this place."  Wow...I love that he feels that way about our new home, but it also breaks my heart.  What I would give if we all lived near each other again. 

I've mentioned this before, but this is the fourth night they have been here with us. That means there are only three more to go.  It makes my stomach hurt to even think about this visit ending.  Having my extended family here with us makes me feel like all is well with the world.  Obviously, I know that is far from true, but it has certainly felt like that during their visit.

I keep reminding myself, "Live in the present, Heather.  Savor every second.  Cherish every minute.  Don't worry about them leaving.  That is the future, and you don't focus on the future!"
I'm reminding myself of that, but I don't always listen to my own advice.

Tomorrow, we are taking the train into NYC.  We'll spend the entire day there and late into the evening.  None of my family have been there, and I am looking so forward to witnessing their reactions to all of it.

My family is here!  Life is good.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 45

This day has been darn near perfect.
We were in no hurry for anything. We simply savored our precious time together today.

We enjoyed take out from a delicious deli located downtown. While the babies napped and the big boys played, my sisters, mom and I relaxed on rafts in the pool.

Tonight we grilled burgers and hot dogs and devoured all sorts of other delicious food as we celebrated a couple of birthdays. The temperature had cooled so we were able to spend a lot of time outdoors this beautiful evening.
Right before we ate, "Buck," the massive deer that passes through our yard each night, stopped by. The kids got so excited! I appreciate all of the wildlife that surrounds us.

We all came inside. The kids were filthy. The house looked as if we had turned it upside down, shook it, and then put it back down. Every towel we have was dirty. One of my sisters was having horrible stomach cramps, and my other sister and I have sore throats. We are all going on very little sleep.
We treasured every single second of it!
Dirty kids, a messy house, no clean laundry and big deal!
We are spending valuable time together, and nothing could make me happier!

I went to the grocery store with my sisters today. I am not exxagerating when I tell you that it was awesome! Filling the cart with groceries as I laughed with my sisters was a gift. It was something I really needed.

My mom was in the kitchen helping prepare dinner. I took a picture. My mom, in my kitchen, helping us with dinner, is another gift I received today.

Watching my niece and nephews run around playing with our toys and enjoying our pool and yard is, again, a precious gift.

Observing my children playing with their cousins and loving on their aunts, uncle, and mamaw is a priceless gift.

Thank you, Lord, for the amazing gift of my family!
How will I ever let them return to Illinois? I always look so forward to the weekend, but I am painfully dreading this coming weekend.
I can't focus on that now. I am reveling in the present. I am soaking it all in like a giant sponge.

Tomorrow our destination will be the Bronx Zoo!
I'll be easy to spot in the crowd. I'll be the one with the huge smile on my face, surrounded by some of God's most superb masterpieces: my family.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 44

Currently, I am blogging in my favorite chair.  My mom is relaxing with her feet up on the couch.  My daughter and my sister are laughing and talking in the living room.  All three boys are asleep.  My husband and brother-in-law are on their way to the airport to pick up my other sister and her 14-month-old baby girl. 
My sister began her journey this morning.  She was supposed to arrive in NY at 7:40PM.  It is almost midnight and her plane should be arriving in the next few minutes.
Due to the storms, her plane was rerouted, then delayed, then cancelled; she ended up finding another flight. 
I know this day has been extremely stressful for her.  It breaks my heart.  She has been such a trooper. 
All of this...just to come and spend time with my family and I.

Originally, she wasn't supposed to come on this visit.  My mom, sister, brother-in-law and nephews had planned a trip.  My little sister decided if we were all getting together, she had to get in on the action.  I'm so glad that she did!

It breaks my heart that she has had this sort of day; however, I know that once she arrives, this party bus will get right back on track!

Waking up this morning with all of my family here was amazing!  My mom and I  got coffee and breakfast and then I went to Target with my sister.  Oh, happy day!  I have missed shopping with my sisters!  I have missed being in a store and having a companion! 

We all wen to a massive mall about nine miles away.  While there, we ate at the Cheesecake Factory, and brought an entire cheesecake home with us!  What were we thinking? 

In the early evening, my mom swam with the boys and my daughter, sister, husband, and brother-in-law went out to our pond.  One of the ducks has seven ducklings.  We took bread out to them and fed them.  I caught a few toads and scared my sister with them.  It was just like when we were kids!

It began to storm, so we all came inside.  We sat around and enjoyed ourselves immensely.  We laughed, told stories, and ATE!  We got that darn cheesecake out.  We got leftover pizza out.  We were consuming some major cals, and loving every second of it.

The boys were busy dressing up as construction workers and building train tracks all throughout the living room and dining room.  The were begging us to let them stay up all night.  It was just like things were when we lived in Illinois just a mile away from my mom and sister.

As I type, sadness tries its best to work its way in.  Why can't this last forever?  I know...lots of people don't live near their family.  Those people don't whine about it or blog about it.  I guess I'm just not "those people."
This is day 44.  I still miss my family terribly, and I am already dreading them leaving!   My baby sister hasn't even arrived yet, and I'm already anticipating their departure!
I can't do this!  I refuse to let "goodbye anticipation" fill my mind and the precious time that I have with my family!

It is 12:19AM.  We just got the text.  It read, "We have them!" 
Praise the Lord! 
My sister and her amazing baby girl will be here in approximately fifteen minutes!

It's 12:23AM and my daughter is taking cookies out of the oven.  We are ready for them to walk through the door!

Right now I am just praising the Lord for this time.  I am thanking Him for these amazing people I have in my life. 

I'm cherishing every second of this and making memories.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 43--Pure Bliss

The title says it all!  My family has arrived, and my joy is overflowing.

Their flight didn't land until 6:30PM.  It seemed like it would never get here!  My husband went to pick them all up from the airport in our minivan.  My sister called my cell when they reached our village.  I knew they would on our lane within a few minutes!  My heart was racing with excitement!  I was so excited and nervous that I got a horrible case of the hiccups! 

My son and daughter were sitting with me just watching the edge of the drive.   My son pointed and yelled, "They're here!"  That is when it started:  Pure Bliss.

My nephew jumped out of the van, hugged me, and ran to my son.  They posed for a quick picture, jumped on the four-wheeler, and took off.  It was as if they had never been apart. 

Next, my sister got out.  We hugged and laughed and she had her camera and was taking pictures of everything.  She's been my best friend for 32 years.  I have never been so happy to see her!

Then, my precious mom got out of the van.  I grabbed her and hugged her as tightly as I could.  We both cried tears of joy. 
What is it about a mom?  When my mom is around, I can relax.  I let my guard down. 

The boys swam and rode around on the four-wheeler and the tractor.  They ran around the yard with water guns playing "bad guys."  It was awesome.

We ate pizza from our favorite local pizzeria.  It was buffalo chicken pizza with ranch dressing.  It was quite a hit!  We enjoyed our dinner out on the deck and it was a picture perfect night. 
Then, my friend, "Buck" arrived.  Actually, he is a very large buck that comes into our yard each night.  He nibbles at things and just sort of hangs out.  He always shows up in the back, makes his way up the side, and the crosses the front yard over into the woods.  I tell my family about this huge deer all of the time.  I am just so impressed by his strength, size, and temperament.  It doesn't matter how loud we are, or what we're doing.  He shows up anyway, and watches us as he eats.  He never runs away or seems afraid.  It is quite amazing.
They couldn't believe it!  There he was in all of his splendor.  My little nephew, who is almost 18 months old, was waving to him.  It was priceless!  I was so glad they got to witness something that makes me smile each night.

My family loved our home and they said that it is so peaceful here.  I was elated to hear them say that. 

Right now, as I am blogging, everyone else is sleeping.  My family is sleeping under the same roof.  We're all here together.  I am typing, looking out my bedroom window, and the moon is shining so brightly.  It's beautiful and calming.  It looks exactly how I feel right now.  My family is here; I can shine!  I am calm!  Life is good!

I was in the kitchen tonight straightening things up.  My mom came in to help.  Isn't that what moms do?  She's always there helping me; she is making my job easier.  What a blessing!  I told her how happy I was to have her here with us. 
We hugged again.  I didn't want to let her go.

Family...what a treasure they are.  I always knew it, but I never fully embraced the concept of just what "family" means.  It's only been 43 days since I had seen them, but today, when they started getting out of my minivan, it seemed like it had been an eternity.  I have missed them terribly!
My sister looked beautiful even after a long plane ride.  My mom had a new short, red hair style.  It was stylish and "her." 

I am a blessed girl tonight. 

In the morning, we'll all get up and get breakfast and start the day.  It'll be chaotic, messy, and I'll be smiling the entire time.

Don't ever underestimate the value of family.  Don't let time pass without telling your family how much you love them.  Don't let any disagreement come between you.  Make amends, move on, and LOVE. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 42

Day 42 brings with it some pretty deep emotions.

My family from Illinois is coming to visit tomorrow!  We're talking my mom, sisters, brother-in-law, nephews and niece...all coming for one whole week to visit us!

My excitement is almost overwhelming!  I can't wait to show them our home, take them into the city, to the beach, the malls, zoos, and other places that we have enjoyed throughout the past 42 days!  I imagine all of us siting out on the deck at night and laughing the night away.  That is what we tend to do.  We have fun, and we have a lot of it!

My sadness is overwhelming, too.  Yes, that sounds absurd; however, I am having flashbacks to our move.  I was dreading the goodbyes.  How do we even say it?  How do we utter the words? 

My dilemma is this:  How do I enjoy the time with my family and not dread the goodbyes?

I love my family.  I love them so much that the "goodbyes" literally hurt.  They hurt me physically and mentally.  I'm not good at saying, "goodbye."

I sought the help of a counselor right before our move.  I needed him to help me with the "goodbyes." 

He was full of excellent advice.  He explained to me that I live in the past and future, but I stay out of the present.  I ignore it.  I don't enjoy it.  I spend time thinking about things the past.  I think about things I enjoyed, things that hurt me and I want to avoid in the future, and things that I fear in the future. 

It's obvious what I was doing wrong. 

I wasn't enjoying the present.  I wasn't cherishing it.  I wasn't savoring it.  Instead, I was bogged down my issues of the past, and things I was afraid of that coud "possibly" happen in the future.  What about the present?  What was I to do with that?

My counselor's advice?  Live in the present!  Cherish every moment. 

There is no point to live in the past.  We are supposed to learn from our past mistakes and think fondly on our past joys and acccomplishments.  What are we to do with our past mistakes and failures?  Forget about it!  Everyone makes mistakes!  God's grace covers all of them.  The Lord completely forgets them when we sincerely ask Him to.  So, we must forget about them as well.

We certainly aren't supposed to live in the future!  We have no idea what the future holds.  I have learned, over and over again, that most of the things we worry about don't ever actually happen.  So, why worry?  Obviously, worrying about certain issues is healthy and warranted; however, worrying about things that are completely out of our control is a waste of precious time.

I love my family.  I look so forward to seeing them come, and I dread seeing them go.  They bring me such pride and unspeakable joy.  They are my "comfort zone."  They are my past, present, and future.  They love me. No matter what...they love me and I love them.

They arrive tomorrow.  Their flight is scheduled to arrive at 6:29PM.  I have to take the advice of my wise counselor. 

I will embrace them and every second I spend with them. I will cherish every laugh we share and every tear we shed.  I will make incredible memories with them, and then, I WILL see them again the next time. 
There is no reason to feel any sort of dread or despair.  Those words don't even mesh with the word, "family." 
Family is love, peace, joy, memories, trust and loyalty. 

I will not allow myself to live in the past of the future.  It will only be "present living" for me! 
I am thrilled that they are visiting.  I will not waste one single second moping around simply because I am worried that a week will go by too quickly. 
So what?

Yes, a week is short; however, I get a fabulous week with my family, and that is more than some people ever get.  My family will be here with me having a memorable time.  Some people could only hope for that.

I don't have to hope.  I have it.  I am blessed to know what true love feels like. 

I could live on Jupiter or Mars, and I would still feel the warmth and compassion of my family. 

I'll be waiting for them, at 6:29PM with the biggest smile on my face.  I will hug them so tightly that it will hurt.  I won't rush time.  I refuse to do it.  I wll be calm and focused and at peace.  I'll embrace every second, enjoy every minute, and remember every hour.  God blessed me with these incredible people.  My sisters:  They have my back!  They are built-in best friends.  They have been my best friends for thirty years.  I look forward to many, many more. 
My parents:  They adore me.  They raised me to be the woman I am today.  They have cried over me, prayed over me, and laughed and cried with me.  I am a precious gift to them.

If I lived a million miles away, it wouldn't matter.  Distance isn't the issue.  Devotion IS the issue. If you are devoted to an individual, it doesn't matter if they live a mile away, or 600 miles away.  Love conquers all...including distance. 

This week is going to ROCK!  Our abs will be sore from laughing so hard.  It'll be easy.  It'll be pure joy.  It'll be a true gift.

I will be embracing the present...that is the gift!  I'll cherish every second, every laugh and every adventure.

God blessed me with this family.  We are so full of love, and love knows no boundaries. 
Next Sunday will come, and I will not be sad.
I'll be thankful for all the memories that were made during their visit.

When they are boarding the plane to go back to Illinois, I'll smile and say, "See ya soon!'

Oh Lord, thank you for my family.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 41--Girl Time

Today was different, and it was nice!

My cousin from Manhattan came over to spend the day with my son and I.  She brought her adorable little girl.  We lounged by the pool and soaked up the sun.

I soon realized that I have been longing for some "girl time."  In Illinois, I lived within five miles of both of my sisters, my mom, my mother-in-law, and my best friend.  I had "girl time" all the time! 
Although I didn't realize it at the time, I took it for granted.

If I needed someone to run an errand with me, hang out with me, get coffee, lunch, or just sit and talk with me, that person was always available.  I was really never alone.   Sometimes, I would go over to my sister's house for the afternoon.  The boys would play and my sister would. be doing housework, or cooking, and I'd be on the computer or outside.  We weren't constantly communicating with words, but we were still together.

Now that we've moved, I no longer have that "girl time," and I really miss it.  My daughter has a full-time job and she has met quite a few people through her job.  My son has met friends from his day camp.  My  husband works with wonderful guys that he gets along with really well. 
 I haven't exactly found my niche.  I've been so busy getting the house together, getting my kids registered for school for the fall, finding doctors, churches, and activities for my kids to become involved in, that I haven't actively pursued friendships for myself.  I am a very social person.  I thrive when I am surrounded by people.  So that, for me, has been the most challenging part of our move.

Before the move, I didn't know I had a second cousin in Manhattan.  We had never met; however, after the move, someone shared my link with her cousin, because she knew we lived so close to Manhattan.  It turns out, the girl from Manhattan and I are second cousins.  It is such a small world.  I am just amazed by it every day. 

Anyway, she came over today and we talked for hours.  It was so nice to discuss everything from our awesome husbands, to our kids, to our favorite foods, to things that get on our nerves.  It was the "girl time" that I have been missing.  It was so comforting to me.

We decided to go out to dinner with our husbands.  Earlier in the week, my daughter had promised my son that she would spend Friday night with him.  He's been looking forward to it all week.  So, going out on a double date tonight worked perfectly for us!

My kids walked down to a local pizzeria and watched a movie.
My husband and I met my cousin and her husband at this amazing Greek restaurant near the Hudson.  We ate outdoors and the weather was perfect with a light breeze and low humidity.  It was a busy little place and an older gentleman was there playing live greek music with several different instruments.  Some of the patrons were out on the sidewalk doing greek-style dances.  The atmosphere was fun and family-friendly.  I tried food I've never tried before, and, of course, I loved it all.

After dinner, we went walking around the city and saw spectacular views.  The moon was unbelievable.  We walked up some steep hills, looked in some cute shops, and hopefully burned off some serious calories.

On the drive home, my husband and I were talking about what a great evening we had shared.  The entire day had been wonderful.

My husband is my best friend.  I cherish every second we have together.  Likewise, the time I spend with my children is so valuable.  One can't put a price on it.

With that being said, every girl needs her "girl time."  In my opinion, "girl time" should be easy.  Even if serious issues are being discussed, it should still be carefree.  If it's complicated, or it feels like you have to "try," then it's not true "girl time."

Never, ever take precious "girl time" for granted.  Honestly, it is something sacred; it is something that should be cherished.

In two days, my mom and sisters will be here in NY visiting us.  I'll have more beautiful "girl time" than I'll know what to do with!  We'll laugh, probably shed a few tears, share memories and dreams, discuss future plans, and sometimes just sit together and  no words will even need to be spoken.
It'll be easy. 

I will cherish every single second of it.