I am a blessed woman. I feel this way for many reasons, but tonight, I am swelling with pride due to my children. They really are my pride and joy.
My daughter just turned 17. She amazes me. This summer, she is working her first full-time job. She is so mature and responsible. She just had her first evaluation and she exceeded expectations.
She always exceeds my expectations.
This past week, we had seven family members from Illinois visiting. My daughter was so excited about their arrival. She misses them as much as I do! She dreaded the idea of going to work every day while we were out having a good time and enjoying each other's company.
Every night, we would all stay up late into the night. She would stay up with us, because she wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.
I told her to take a day off of work and hang out with us. I know, I sound like a horrible influence! What kind of mother tells her daughter to take off of work?
She refused. Her work ethic really impresses me. She works so hard. Whether she is helping me around the house, or working at her job, she gives it her all.
She is so kind. She really cares about the feelings of others. She would never leave anyone "out."
I admire her ability to stand up for what she believes in. She doensn't change for anyone. Some of the people she works with are older and they have asked her to go out with them. They always say, "Do you drink?"
She says, "No, but I'd love to hang out sometime!"
We were talking about it and she commented that they may not ask her to do much now that they know that she doesn't drink. She is fine with that. She really is.
I give her so much credit, because even as adults we face peer pressure. It is normal to want to be accepted, to fit in, and simply to be liked.
I know peer pressure is even more difficult for teenagers. Still, my daughter stands firm to her beliefs.
She values her relationship with God and with her family. She cherishes friendships. She is very private. She only shares intimate things with very few people. That's just how she is; it's how God made her.
Her mental strength is like nothing I've ever seen. She sets goals, and then follows through. She is so determined and will not allow anything to stand in her way. She adapts to new situations and enjoys a challenge.
She is beautiful on the inside and the out. I know that statement is thrown around a lot, but it is absolutely true for my daughter.
My son is a character. I am fortunate enough to live with a little comedian. He can push every one of my buttons until I feel like pulling my hair out by the roots, and then he'll crack a joke, and I can't help but laugh!
He'll be seven soon, and he's decided he wants a cat. He says he doesn't care what it looks like, or how old it is. He doesn't even care if it's a boy or a girl. If it's a girl he'll name her Sally and if it's a boy he'll name him Biscuit.
He asked me to say, "We'll have to think about it." He doens't want me to just say ,"Yes," because then it won't be a surprise! I know...hilarious!
He wants us to get it a blue collar and a green leash and a litter box with litter. He needs a measuring cup for the food.
His plan is that, on his birthday, he'll come around the corner and say, "What is in that box?"
I'll reply, "Open it and find out!"
He'll open it, and there is his birthday kitten!
He's planned the whole "surprise!"
He loves people! He makes friends with strangers.
When I tell him that a particular person is hurt or going through a difficult time, he puts them on our prayer list and he prays for them every night.
We have been praying for a teenager named Derek for many months. Last week, he said, "Mom, how is Derek? Is he all better?"
I replied, "Yes, he is doing very well! Prayers have worked for him!"
His response amazed me. He so sweetly said, "Well, let's keep praying for him anyway."
So, we do! He prays for people he's never even met, and if I forget, then he will remind me!
He keeps me on my toes. He wears me out. I love every second of it.
My kids...total blessings from the Lord. They are His creation and they belong to him, and He trusted me to be their mom.
What a job! What a noble calling!
I was watching television one night last year, and I heard someone say, "You are only as happy as your least happy child."
I find that to be so true.
When we first moved to New York, my children, naturally, struggled. They missed home, family, friends and their "comfort zones." They cried and ached.
So, I cried and ached.
My children are tough. They are adaptable.
Now, I am writing on Day 52. My children are adjusted and happy. They have worked hard to create "new normals" and new "comfort zones." What brave gifts I've been given!
The quote holds true. My children are smiling and I am smiling. My children are adjusing and I am adjusting.
Things aren't perfect. Every day presents new challenges and issues as we continue to settle here. Thefab4 are tough.
God is good!
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