Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 56

Day 56 has definitley been one of "those" days.  You know, the kind of day that begins full of plans, a full "to do" list...and none of it gets done.

We had  planned to go to NYC to Little Italy and enjoy some delicious food.  Well, we let time get away from us, and eventually decided to save it for another day.

I planned on getting a great workout in today.  It's Satuday, I had plenty of time, and there were no excuses!  Unfortunately, I did think of excuses.  I avoided the workout entirely.

Last night we had the most unbelievably tasting lasagna pizza and chased it down with peanut butter M&Ms.  So, today was supposed to be a "light" eating day.  I would workout, eat a couple of small meals, and then the pizza and M&Ms from the night before would be cancelled out!
Well, that plan failed!  I had the leftover pizza for lunch and homemade pancakes for dinner...with syrup!  They were so delicious but oh so bad for me!

My husband and I thought about having a date night.  Time got away from us.  It started to get dark and we hadn't even showered.  We were too tired to rush around and get ready.  We stayed in all night and utilized Netflix.  We started at episode 1 of The Cosby Show; we are now on episode 12!

Tomorrow we are trying a new church in NYC.  It starts at 6PM, so we will get there early, eat (of course), do some exploring, and then go to church at 6.   We are really looking forward to visiting this church! 

We are praying for my dad tonight.  He has had some swelling and redness in his knee.  It was hot and painful to the touch.  After work tonight he noticed that it was spreading up his leg.  My mom took him to the ER and they admitted him.  The diagnosis is cellulitis.  He is on and IV of fluids and two antibiotics.  They have called a surgeon in because they have to know if it has spread to the joints. 
We are praying and believing for a complete healing for my dad.  We are praying that it has not spread to the joints and that the infection will cease to remain in his body.
He is quite a character.  They had to admit him to get this infection under control; however, he was determined to go home and sleep in his own bed.  I don't blame him one bit.  Of course the doctor won, and my dad is staying in the hospital where they can monitor him closely.
I love him so much, and I am thanking the Lord in advance for a miraculous healing in my dad's body.

Thank the Lord that tomorrow is a new day.  I'm going to do everything on my "to do" list, and that includes eating a couple of light meals and getting a really good workout in!  (wink, wink)
We'll just have to see what the day brings!

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