Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 36

We visited another church this morning.  I, of course, was a bit nervous.  We LOVED our church in Illinois.  It took years to find a church that we all loved so much, and then we moved!  It's not easy going into a church for the first time.  Still, it must be done! 
We were so glad we visited!  Yes, there were some things about it that we didn't love, but that would is true for everything...stores, schools, gyms, doctors, etc...
What matters is the "core."  We left feeling ministered to and we were all smiling.  We will definitely be going back again next week!

Today was our lane's "pie party."  It was so awesome!  Every home on our lane was represented!  We all met at one of the homes and had pie, fruit, and iced tea.  Someone mentioned lemonade, so she took my son into the kitchen and let him squeeze the lemons and add the sugar and water.  He loved it. 
We have such interesting neighbors! 

I've already mentioned my next door neightbor who is in her nineties.  Well, I found out today that she is also an artist!  You should see some of her paintings!  Also, she was a beekeeper for many, many years.  It sounds like she is also writing a book. 

Then, there is the hostess of the party.  I mentioned her in an earlier blog post as well.  We met at the mailboxes one evening and I discussed our recent move and she discussed the recent death of her husband of 50 years.  She is the kind of person you just want to hug.  She is kind and welcoming.  She is a wonderful listener.  She loves children.  She is artsy and musical and so intelligent.  She has been through so much in the last two months, and yet she takes the time to invite everyone on the lane to her home so that they can all meet the "new family!"  She is such a blessing!

My neighbor in her nineties' daughter lives on the lane with her husband.  He works in intelligence and she does something in the city.  I didn't quite catch what her day job is; however, I found out that she is an opera singer and has sang with the New York City Opera!  I'm impressed! 

One man is single.  He is very nice and we only just met him today because he has been working in China for the past few weeks.  He is friendly, smart, and says he is going to teach my husband and I how to play tennis.  I'm guessing he is in his 50's.  He started playing a few years ago and loves it.  We are looking forward to the lessons!

The last couple on the lane lives two doors down from us.  They both work in the city, so we didn't meet them until today.  I'm so glad we did.  I'm guessing they are about the same age as my husband and I.  They don't have any children.  He loves gardening, computers, etc...She enjoys fishing, yard games, etc...I am not sure what her occupation is, but he does something in the city involving films.  They are very nice and hilarious! 

What a day!  I feel blessed. 
I am using mental toughness that I didn't know I had.  Physical strength is wonderful and necessary, but to be equipped with mental strength and the ability to adapt to change is crucial.   I had no idea how strong I was before the move. 

My family will be here in a week from today.  I feel so proud to show them my HOME!  I'm looking forward to introducing them to my neighbors.  

On a side note...I can't get "dogs" off of my mind.  I keep up with some of the NY shelters online.  I have been watching three different dogs.  Today, I decided I was going to the shelter to see and play with them.  Would there be a connection??
Well, my favorite had been adopted and then returned for biting.  My second and third choices had just beena adopted.  Needless to say, no connection was made today!

Maybe next time!

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