Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 33--Am I good enough?

I've been full of questions lately.  Some of my questions are basic and they are probably the same questions that run through all of our minds.  Others are detailed and complicated.  I'm not sure they can really be answered.  Maybe they're not supposed to be.

There is no possible way I can cover all of my questions in one simple post.  I could honestly sit and type out and ponder questions all night long and into tomorrow; I'll spare you the pain of that!

What I've been pondering lately is simply this:  How can I be good enough?
When I say that, I don't mean good enough for society, or even good enough for my family and friends.  My real question is:  Am I good enough as far as "pleasing the Lord" is conerned. 

No, I am not "good enough."  As I read through scripture, I have a tendency to begin to feel unworthy.  I begin to see all of my sins and failures.  I think, "I am just not doing this right." 

I do know, however, that none of us are good enough.  If we were, then what was the point of Christ dying on the cross for our sins?  He knew we could never be "good enough."  We needed a savior. 

I guess I worry I am one of those people who are just "good."  I don't really lead others to the Lord often, I don't go to church every Sunday, I get angry at my kids and husband, I have times when I am not in the Bible like I should be, and I complain about things I shouldn't complain about.  Obviously, I avoid the "biggies," such as stealing, killing and adultry!  Even so, as I read the Bible, I see that they are all equally distrubing in God's eyes. 
So, my question comes up again:  How CAN I be good enough?

Actually, going to church, reading the Bible, never complaining and getting angry...those won't get me into heaven.  Those are wonderful, but that's not all there is to it.  They make me a good person, but they're not the final answer.

There is a solution to it all in 1 John 1:9.  It read, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 
Obviously, He knew we were not perfect, hence His dying for us.
Romans 3:23 states that, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

That includes you, me, and everyone in between.  

As I dig into the Bible, I read sermon to different churches.  One in particular was a sermon from Paul.  He is preaching to a church and makes it clear that women should not have braided hair or be adorned with jewels or wear expensive clothing.  Wow!  If that is the case, then I don't know of one single woman, personally, who is living out God's Word.  That's when I begin to get frustrated and I begin to question things.  Actually, I begin to feel defeated.

I believe with all of my heart that his sermon was meant for a certain church during that time period.  It completely pertained to them.  I will not let that defeat me.  I won't let it make me feel like I am failing in my christianity.

In my opinion, it all comes down to this: 
When an expert of the law asked Jesus what he would have to do to gain eternal life, Jesus asked him, "What is written in the law?"  The lawyer replied, "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your sould and with all of your strength and with all of your mind, AND love your neighbor as yourself."
"You have answered correctly."  Jesus replied.  "Do this and you will live."
Luke 10:27,28

WOW!  It all comes down to this!  It sounds so easy!  What I love about those verses is that it doesn't feel like "rules."  I've never exactly been a "rule follower."  It's just pretty plain and simple.  They are words from Jesus Christ Himself!  He tells us to love Him with everything we are and everything we have, and to love our neighbors as ourselves!

Well, it sounds first.  I begin to realize; however, that it is much harder than it seems!  I feel like I love the Lord with everything I am, but do I always show Him that?  Do I put Him before everything and everyone?  Do I worship Him and thank Him for even creating me, or do I just ask for things like healing and protection?
Do I love my neighbor as much as I love myself?  Yikes!  I do love people, and I cherish relationships, but does neighbor mean a close friend, or simply another member of society?
Today in Target, a woman was extremely mean to me, and made me almost feel invisible.  Should I love her, the mean lady, as much as I love myself?  Oh my goodness!  It certainly gets tricky; HOWEVER, God's mercy and forgiveness are overflowing; they never fail us.
IF we are are humbled and seek his forgiveness, then we will receive it. 

So, I guess none of us are good enough.  We are all flawed, bruised, broken, and in need of a savior.  Our all-knowing God knew we were not good enough and that is why he paid the price for our sins on the cross. 

Although we are not good enough, he washes us white as snow, if that is what we choose.

So, it's not "good enough" to be good.  The savior of the world desires a personal relationship with each and every one of us.  He doesn't just want us on Sunday mornings; He wants us 24/7. 

He made us.
He loves us.
He adores us.
He comforts us.
He cherishes us.
When we are hurting, He sees us.
When we are happy, He is watching us.
When we feel lost, He IS guiding us.
He saved us; He already paid the price for our salvation...IF we invite Him in...

Have you invited the Creator and Savior of the universe into your life?



  1. oh heather -i really needed to read that today. thanks for being you!!

  2. Thanks for being YOU!! I miss you!

  3. Heather,

    I have many things i would like to say here, but one thing that comes to mind is a song written by John Mark McMillan called "How he loves". You may know this song best from The David Crowder Band. I cry every time i hear this song. It really reminds me and brings me back to reality of what God wants from us.

    Here is a link to both John Mark McMillan's version and David Crowder's version. - John Mark McMillan - David Crowder

    I must say, i love the DC version, it is so emotional and intense.

    Thanks for the great blog!
